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SOMFY Group 3-minute news update
#21 / January 2024
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Looking back at 2023 and ahead to 2024
Looking back at 2023 and ahead to 2024
Dear colleagues,
Let me start by wishing you and your loved ones a happy new year. It comes as no surprise that last year ended on a negative note, and I would like to take this opportunity to take a closer look at the Group’s performance in 2023.
Group sales were €1.4 billion for the 2023 financial year, down 5.6% in real terms and 5.9% on a like-for-like basis. After a fall of 11.3% in the first half-year, the second half-year was stable at 0.7%.
As in the first half-year, only the Latin America and Africa & the Middle East regions posted growth compared with the previous financial year (24.7% and 14.9% respectively). The biggest declines were posted in Eastern Europe (down 16.9%) and Central Europe (down 15.2%).
We faced a challenging macroeconomic and geopolitical environment in 2023, combined with a severe crisis in the building sector in many regions.
However, thanks to your commitment and despite a slowdown in our business, the Group took all necessary measures and engaged every possible lever to serve our customers, defend our positions, and take a step closer every day to our 2030 Ambition:
  • The customer service rate is back to normal;
  • So! One deployment moved forward, with nine entities now working on SAP;
  • Our significant launches, including our Solar range and Zigbee, won back market shares;
  • Lastly, we continue to roll out our Desired Culture - a vital asset in tough times.
Despite an uncertain and unstable environment in 2024, we will pursue the goals we set for ourselves in 2025 One Way. We will stay focused on our roadmap - our constant guide to individual and collective action. I am convinced that our products and services will help us rise to the challenges of connectivity and energy efficiency in buildings as part of the broader drive towards digitalization and sustainable development.
Pierre Ribeiro
Watch the Group New Year Message
This is our customer service rate at the end of December 2023
– the proportion of customers whose deliveries arrived on time!
* Excluding subsidiaries that switched to SAP during the year.
C'est extra
How do you develop your curiosity and stay open-minded in turbulent times? In the fourth episode of "Let’s talk about our desired culture” on "Grow and Learn Everyday" behavior, four managers discuss employee development and their role in a changing world.
The 8D Awards in December recognized achievements in health and safety, operations and supply chain, products and services, and information technology. These awards help shine a light on teams implementing the 8D problem-solving methodology.
The R+T fair starts soon… While (patiently) waiting, test your knowledge by taking part in this quiz!
 2023 performance reviews kick-off. Don’t forget to complete your assessments by February 15 and set all goals by March 31. Need some assistance? Call the help center on IRHIS or click here.
 In 2023, the Visits Division made 527 visits to SOMFY sites in Cluses and Bonneville. Our teams welcomed 2,487 people, including manufacturers, employees and experts. Request a visit by contacting at least two months before your preferred date!
 Eco-design roll-out: all systems go! Since the Group is firmly committed to sustainability, we’ve trained over 300 employees, updated our processes, and set up a network of 19 contacts. Check out our guide on Hello Somfy.
Post Yammer
It happened at the Nanxun site! Our Chinese colleagues have optimized the use of 17 printers of different SOMFY models and brands, reducing them to 10. This action will help us save 627 kg of CO2 per year!
Post Linkedin
Our warmest wishes for the new year! We thank you for your unwavering commitment and our customers and partners for their trust and support. We make a fantastic team, and we’re proud of what we’ve achieved together. Have a great 2024! Read our New Year Message on LinkedIn.
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Credits: People illustrations by Storyset, iStock.